Tag Archives: workout

5 Ways to Get a Workout in on Vacation

We all know the feeling. You leave for a vacation with the best intentions to stay active, but before you know it the week is over and you’ve done nothing. It’s easy to make excuses- “oh I didn’t have a gym to go to” or “there was just no time”- but you are better than excuses! You find time in your day to day life to exercise, and there are lots of great workouts you can do without a gym!

chest fly on ground

1. Pack a resistance band and a jump rope in your suitcase. These take up virtually no space, but can help you take a workout to the next level on a vacation. The jump rope is a great way to boost your cardio for the day, so try jumping for a few minutes before every workout or when you first wake up in the morning. Use the resistance band for a variety of exercises such as lateral raises, standing chest presses, bent over rows, and lateral band walks.

2. Walk it out. In a place with lots of cool sites to visit?  Wear a pedometer or a FitBit and try to hit at least 10,000 steps a day. Want to take it to the next level? Go for a run around these sites instead!

3. Get out of your comfort zone. Oftentimes vacation spots have the opportunity for you to try new sports like kayaking, paddle boarding, or surfing. Take an afternoon to try something new, and I guarantee you’ll be sore in new places before you know it!

4. Catch up with family. If you’re visiting relatives, you’ll want to spend some time catching each other up on the changes in your lives. Instead of doing this on a couch, take a walk around the neighborhood. You’ll get to hear new things, and you’ll get your endorphins flowing which will help you bond more!

5. Start your day with a body weight workout! Pushups, crunches, Russian twists, squats, etc. are an excellent way to build muscle without needing access to gym equipment. Alternate sets of exercise with periods of rest for a full body workout.

We can reach YOUR goals!

We can reach YOUR goals!

Try this TURN UP THE HEAT FULL BODY WORKOUT on your vacation or anytime you need a full body workout!  All you need is one set of dumbbells and your phone or a timer. Set your timer for 45 seconds of work, and 15 seconds of rest! I did this workout many times in my parents living room in North Carolina when I couldn’t get out to the gym for a workout. I was energized after completeing 2 rounds and each of the major muscle groups where used! Can’t wait to hear your success stories!

Turn Up The Heat Workout!

Turn Up The Heat Workout!



April Arms & Abs Workout

Take a deep breath in. Exhale slowly. Some days can seem like a battle but know that you are stronger than you realize! With the right attitude, focus, and endurance you can make it through anything.

“Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you.” Proverbs 4:25

Focus on taking the activities of your day one at a time, and doing each of them to the best of your abilities. You can’t get the most out of a workout when you are worrying about what to make for dinner or when to pick up the dry cleaning. You need to put your mind to the task at hand, complete it, then take on your next challenge.

“He trains my hands for battle, so that my arms can bend a bow of bronze.” Psalms 18:34

The workout will build some amazing core strength and definatley  tone up your arms so you’ll be ready for your next battle.

April Arms Workout

Watch the video for some guidance on proper form for each exercise and remember to stretch afterwards!



Jump Rope for Heart Health

I will praise you, O Lord, with all of my heart; I will speak of all of your wonders. Psalm 9:1

Keep your heart strong and your spirit invigorated with a challenging jump rope workout! A jump rope is often one of the most overlooked pieces of fitness equipment. They are inexpensive, easy to transport, and can be used anywhere. Jumping rope is a great way to burn calories and get a cardio workout finished in a short period of time. 

The ideal jump rope workout uses short intervals of different exercises to alternate between cardio and strength work. This allows you to have a full body workout while strengthening your heart through the cardio exercises. Your family will also like this fun workout -kids love to jump rope! Screen Shot 2015-02-16 at 10.11.02 PM

Remember to  warm up beforehand and stretch afterwards to prevent injuries!

A short demonstration video is on Instagram (@transfitathens) and can be seen above!  Can’t wait for you to give this workout a try! Let me know how you like it! If you need help designing your home workout plan, nutrition plan, or exercise plan please email me at transfitathens@gmail.com.



Holiday HIIT Workout- Best, quick workout to burn fat!

No time for a workout- no excuses now!!! Here is a quick, effective workout to pump up your heart rate and tone your muscles! 

High Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT, is a great way to complete a workout in a short period of time. The short intervals of intense exercise get your heart rate up, helping you increase your cardio levels while burning calories. This type of workout is perfect for the busy holiday season when you may be more limited for time. Set aside 20 minutes today and get moving!

Updated Holiday HIIT Workout

Remember to warm up with a few minutes of cardio beforehand and stretch after the workout to prevent injuries!



Fall In Love With Running- The Ultimate Runner’s Workout!

Fall is an amazing time of the year for running or brisk walking. The early start of the day is now bright for morning runs. Thankfully, here in Georgia, the afternoons are still warm and sunny, making quick lunchtime runs or brisk walks a treat!

Lyla & Ayn Paker at a local run having a blast!

Lyla & Ayn Paker at a local run having a blast!

Fall is also the season for a lot of races, from 5ks to marathons, and it’s the perfect time to start training for spring races. While training for running races, it’s easy to just focus on building up mileage or doing interval training. However, it is also beneficial to include some strength training to properly develop your muscles and help prevent injuries. With that in mind, I’ve developed a workout designed with runners in mind.  You can do this workout at home, all you need is a stability ball, dumbbells, and a bench or a step! Have fun with this full body runner’s workout!

Ultimate Workout for Runners

One way to make running more rewarding is involve your family. My kids love going on short runs and participating in fun runs. However, just because kids seem full of energy, doesn’t mean they’re ready to jump right in to a full 5k. Properly training for a race is just as important for kids as it is for adults, if not more so since kids are still growing and developing. Practice good habits with your children like developing a good post run stretching routine and slowly increasing the amount of time spent running or walking. The following plan is one that my children and my friends have used with great success.


The most important part of running is having fun! So try the strength workout, go for a walk or jog with your kids, and get outside to enjoy the beautiful weather. Fall in love with running or walking to enjoy your healthy lifestyle!

